Yeah. I tried to make this easier to access, but just realized the scenes are listed in reverse order. So. If you want to read it the right way. Click on the oldest post first and work your way backwards. It is broken up into scenes because I really dont expect anyone to read the whole thing in one sitting.
And one last thing. I forgot to thank Frito,frito for the image of the outstanding sculpture he did, that was my visual inspiration for this story. Yes that picture is what I envision the new Godzilla to look like. Gives you all a visual as well.
Also noticed that there hasn't been one single comment yet, though the page has been read over 90 times. A little disappointing. I really need the feedback. So please, even if you don't like it. Let me know. If you do like it, then definitely let me know. And yes, I have started the sequel, but losing motivation to finish. So if you want a sequel, then drop a comment. Thanks to all that have read this, I truly hope you are enjoying the story. There are lots of easter eggs in there for the G-fans.
This keeps me wanting to read more. Very interesting so far.