Monday, December 27, 2010

Opening scene

(onscreen title) NEVADA DESERT
We meet Dr. Hammond an older man with silver hair , beard and glasses in a white lab coat he is seen behind a table with beakers and lab equipment. He's holding a test tube and lightly shaking it while peering inside.
There. That should do it.
He walks over to a machine and carefully clamps the test tube in place. He hurriedly leaves the room pulling over a hazard suit mask as he closes the door. on the door we see a radioactive sign and other warning signs.
There is a glass booth above him. we look in and see a man working controls.
Ok Leonard. Its in place. I'm all clear, please begin the process.
Okay Doc. Process starting now.
Inside the lab we see the 2 ends of the machine have an eerie green glow. The test tube is in the middle of the light and we can see as the liquid inside starts to move. As the machine goes dark Dr. Hammond yanks off his mask and renters the room. He removes the test tube and inspects it closely.
 Success, Leonard! I think we have another viable embryo.
He peers into the test tube. We see a grey gelatinous mass with a dark spot in the middle that resembles an eye.
Well, my little friend, not sure what you will grow up to be yet, but let's get you to the incubator with your siblings.
He carries the test tube over to a corner of the lab, there is a table with UV lamps and an incubator machine. inside are 3 clear egg shaped modules with what appear to be small lizard shapes. Dr. Hammond picks up an empty egg case and adds some materials and fluid then carefully empties the contents of the test tube. He seals the container and places it next to the other three.
That should do it.
Hammond exits the room and sees Leonard still in the control room.
DR. HAMMOND (looks up to the booth)
Leonard, would you care to join me for lunch?
Sure thing, Doc. I'm just waiting for the reactor to finish powering down. I'll meet you downstairs in a few minutes.
Very good.
Hammond exits the room to a long hallway. There are many people in lab coats walking back and forth along the hall. Dr. Hammond looks at his watch then glances down the hall waiting for the control room door to open. There is suddenly a loud explosion. The hall shakes violently and the lights start to flicker. smoke can be seen at the far end of the hall billowing towards him. People panic and start running down the hall. The control room door swings open and Leonard stumbles out coughing, smoke follows him out.
Dr. Hammond ?!
I'm here Leonard. What is happening?
Not sure. There was an explosion and the control room started filling with smoke.
Another explosion is heard. Light and ceiling panels fall on top of the two men, they as well as others in the hall are knocked to the ground, flames are seen coming up the hall as the power goes out. Leonard reaches over to the Dr.
Doc ! Doc! Are you alright?
He reaches for Dr. Hammond pulling him up from the floor. His glasses have fallen off and blood is trickling from a gash in his forehead.
C'mon Doc. We have to go now.
Wait. The embryos. We cant leave them behind.
Dr. Hammond attempts to pull away in the direction of the lab. more explosions are heard and Leonard pulls him in the other direction.
Forget them. we have to get out of here!
We see them coming down the hall towards a lobby, people are scrambling to get out the doors. Dr. Hammond trips and falls to the floor. Another explosion is heard and a door behind Leonard blows off its hinges smashing him into the wall followed by a ball of flame engulfing the hall.
We see dark clouds of smoke billowing from the top of the building. Flames shooting in the air and more smaller explosions blowing off parts of the roof. People are running as fast as they can from the disaster out into the desert. Flames and smoke have engulfed the building. people can be heard screaming.
We see the  incubator has been knocked to the floor, flames are shooting up through the ceiling and it gives way, collapsing inside the lab. the weight causes part of the floor to give and we see one of the clear eggs rolls and falls through the hole.
There are drums of chemicals strewn all about. Some are open and oozing green liquid on the floor. We can see a label on one of the drums marked "DANGER" RADIOACTIVE WASTE" we then see the egg drop into one of the puddles. Through the gaping hole that was the ceiling we see the entire lab engulfed in flames. A radioactive sign on the wall melts and falls to the floor. We see just a wall of flames and through the flames the title "GODZILLA" appears.

To give you all a better visual of some of the characters, here are some actors I envisioned for the roles.

Dr. Hammond:  John Noble (most people know him as Walter in Fringe)
Jack Hammond: Jensen Ackles (Dean from Supernatural)
Miki Ogata:  Devon Aoki  ( Suki from 2Fast 2Furious)
Major Nick Adams: Mark Wahlberg
Dr. Stephen Martin: James Franco
and Keiffer Sutherland as the President.


  1. I'll be honest, this is feeling like a huge Jurassic Park rip off with the cloning and the character named Hammond.

  2. Not a rip off. A homage of sorts. Jurassic Park to me, really set the bar for bringing monsters and dinosaurs to life. Godzilla is a mutated dinosaur. So this was challenging for me, how do we find a dinosaur around in 2012 that will just happen to be exposed to radiation? We don't. So to keep it real, I had to alter Godzilla's origin slightly. When I was writing it out, I felt the same way, like I was just ripping something else off. So instead, I used the name Hammond as a tribute to the book and movie that inspired the idea of dinosaur cloning. which makes sense for making origins for the other monsters that will appear in the series. There are tons of references and homages in the script. I did it on purpose. Easter eggs for the fans, and a tribute to the past of the greatest monster movies ever. And now as I try to do a reboot of an icon that i truly love, I have to find a way for modern audiences to believe "it could happen", yet stay true to what made Godzilla great. He is after all a radioactive mutated dinosaur, that was created by mans ignorance, and is a force of nature that man cannot control.
